Septic Tank Installation

Septic Tank Installation
Firehouse Septic Specializes in Septic Tank Pumping, Septic Maintenance Septic Repairs, as well as Septic Pump installation and replacement for existing systems. Unfortunately we do not install new systems. However, we do like to keep our customers informed on the proper way things should be done. So below we will attach step by step instructions for installing a new septic system for your informational purposes.

This information is based on a standard system being installed for a residential homeowner in the Senoia, Tyrone, Sharpsburg, Newnan, Peachtree City, and Fayetteville Georgia areas. The numbers used are also based on the typical daily and weekly water use for an average
american family. Keep in mind that in Fayette county and Coweta County it is necessary to acquire a waste water permit before you begin any Septic System
installation. If you are not a state and county certified septic installer in Senoia, Tyrone, Newnan, Sharpsburg, Peachree City or Fayetteville then you are only legally allowed to install your own personal system. A permit application for new installation or system modification can be obtained at the fayette county or coweta county office of environmental health. Kepp in mind that this is only a Liquid Waste Disposal Permit Application Form (septic tank permit). Depending upon the scope of your project you may also be required to obtain a building permit, utility permit, or other county required paperwork. This overview should give you a simplified summary of what is required to install your own septic system in the coweta county and fayette county area, including the basic paperwork, as well as the scope of work that needs to be done. A Septic
System is a personal residential waste water treatment facility that is an efficient means of disposing of household waste. If a Septic System is properly install by a reputable company such as Firehouse Septic it is an extremely effective way of separating liquid waste from solid waste and removing biological pathogens. Wastewater that enters a septic tank contains human waste, impurities, and fecal matter that can harm the public. If not disposed of properly these dangerous pathogens can cause illness and even death. If a septic system is not installed properly or maintained appropriately it can let contaminated water absorb into the water table or even bubble up to the serface. If a property receiving their fresh water from a well then a contaminated water table can leave a property uninhabitable. Hiring a company to fix a contaminated yard will cost much more than installing a proper septic system. Surface wastewater can make people and pets sick and invite bugs and pests into your yard. The people most effected by waste water contaminants are the young, the elderly, and those with a compromised immune system. All newly installed Septic Systems in the Tyrone, Peachtree City, Sharpsburg, Senoia, and Fayetteville consist of a concrete tank divided into 2 chamber as well as a drain field or leach field. The main job of the septic tank is to give the waste time to separate where it will either float or it will sink. After the material is separated it will stay in the tank to be partially eaten by bactgeria. Even after the bacteria have consumed some of the waste about 85% of the scum and sludge still remain. After the separation process is complete, the remaining water will flow out of the tank and into the drain field. The job of the drain field is to evenly distribute the wastewater into the drain field where it can be absorbed into the soil and be filtered. The drain field is built upon soil that has air pockets. These air pockets contain aerobic bacteria that break down dangerous pathogens. If a drain field is working properly these good bacteria can destroy pathogens as much as one foot above the ground level. If the septic system is not installed correctly or not maintained then it can become clogged and lose the room for aerobic bacteria. This failure of the bacteria leads to a failure of the entire drain field that can back up into your home or your yard. Sizing your septic tank properly is just as important as maintaining it properly. In order to appropriately maintain your Septic Tank it is important to have your Septic Tank pumped every 2 to 3 years. This will remove the solids on top before they can have time to enter your drain field and reek havoc. Some jurisdictions even have mandatory pumping requirements. However, the Peachtree City, Tyrone, Sharpsburg, Senoia, and Fayetteville area does not.
This Overview will help you accurately size and install your septic system. Your standard American septic system is made up of a septic tank and drain field. If you are a homeowner installing your own system you will be responsible for all aspects sizing your tank and filling out all the paperwork. If you need assistance check with your local fayette county or coweta county environmental office. There are many inspections and permits that are required when installing your own septic system and you are responsible for knowing them and filling them out.
The following instructions will assist you in sizing your septic tank. However, before you spend your time and money filling out permits it is important to make sure that your lot is suitable for a typical septic system. There are numerous concerns that you should address before you concider installing your septic system. Some of those factors arelot size, govenment or HOA required setbacks, required distance from other water sources, ease of access, and an area suitable for a future replacement fiels. First of all, it is important to know that you will need at least .75 of an acre in order to have a septic system. The fayette county and coweta county environmental health department will have set requirements for the depth of a drain field based on the percolation rate of local soil. The requirement will also state that there must be a minimum of 4 feet below the drain field and the next significant feature such as bedrock. A typical issue that is not usually thought about is where to place the system with routine maintenance in mind. You need to think about how a septic company will access your tank in the future. Septic Trucks are big and heavy and should not be driven over any part of the septic system. If a septic truck cannot park on your street or driveway and access your tank then you may have trouble finding a company to come out and you may have to pay extra.
Once the application has been submitted to the local Fayette County or Coweta County Environment Department Office, and approved, you are ready to get started. If you are this far you are ready to put into the ground what you have put on paper. The next step is to collect all your materials and bring them to your job site. Then you should take the drawing that you have and transfer that drawing onto the ground with spray paint. Make sure to check your set backs one last time just to be sure, measure twice, cut once. After you are sure about your numbers make sure you call 811 before you dig so that any utility lines can be marked and avoided. The utility companies will mark all of their lines in the area of your dig.
The first step when connecting a home to a septic tank is to dig a trench from the home to the Septic Tank. Then connect the 4′ pipe to the home and lay it in the trench on a slow grade that is a minimum of .25″ drop every foot, then connect it to septic tank. Make sure that your smooth and compact the bottom of the trench before you install any pipe. Glue the pipe to any necessary fitting as you move toward the septic tank. Make sure that the pipe is completely supported from underneath before you cover the pipe from the top. Now you are ready to install the tank. Make sure to measure the hole one final time before you insert the tank. Put the last section of pipe in place and measure the distance to the surface. Some agencies require that the tank be set into a bed of sand. However, Peachtree City, Tyrone, Fayetteville, Senoia, and Sharpsburg do not have such requirements. It is not recommended that an individual homeowner attempt to handle a 10,000 pound septic tank. Typically the Septic Tank supplier will include installation in the price. After the septic tank is put in the ground inspect it and make sure that it is water tight. After all the lids are installed level the ground and you will have successfully installed a tank yourself. Now all that is left is installing the drainfield.